Why Is My Hair Falling Out? 8 Causes of Female Hair Loss

Why Is My Hair Falling Out 8 Causes of Female Hair Loss

In recent years, hair loss has become one of the most pressing female problems. If you lose more than 100 hairs a day, then this is a reason to worry since active hair loss may indicate any disturbances in the body. To solve the problem of hair loss, it is necessary to understand the reason for its appearance, learn methods of treatment and proper care tips.

Signs of active hair loss in women

Hair growth is a cyclical process, so moderate and gradual hair renewal is the norm. There are about 100-150 thousand hairs on a woman’s head, a loss of 1% is a healthy process. They can be found on hair-brushes or clothing. Loss of hair in whole strands during styling or washing is a sign of a problem.

It is easy to determine that the degree of hair loss has been exceeded. First, pay attention to the tip of the hair that has fallen out. If it has a light thickening (bulb), it means that it fell out in the growth stage. If your hair falls out with dry ends, then don’t worry. Secondly, try not to wash your hair for three days, and then pull the hair at the top of your head and at your temples. If more than five hairs remain in the palm of your hand at each stroke, then this is a reason to contact a specialist.

8 causes of hair loss in women

The causes of hair loss in women can be various. They can be associated not only with external factors but also with a hormonal state, a lack of vitamins and other circumstances. In most cases, the problem goes away after eliminating the cause of its occurrence.

  • Lack of nutrients in a woman’s body. Strict diets and an unbalanced diet cause a deficiency of trace elements and vitamins in the body. It has been proven that in 90% of women this problem is associated with iron deficiency, a lack of zinc and the amino acid lysine;
  • Hormonal changes. Active hair loss can occur in women after childbirth and last for several months, in girls during puberty, after giving up hormonal contraceptives, and in women in the premenopausal period;
  • A sharp change in temperature. One of the common reasons is exposure to critical temperatures: staying in the cold without a headdress, frequent use of a hairdryer and hair styling devices;
  • Stress. Extreme situations and emotional stress can cause severe hair loss, namely, hair growth stops and after a while hair loss is observed;
  • Tight hairstyles and braids cause poor circulation to the scalp, weaken the hair follicles and thereby cause hair loss;
  • Long-term use of medication can cause hair loss. “Medicines that cause this effect include blood thinners, hormones, antidepressants, laxatives, diuretics, weight loss drugs, and other drugs”, reported My Canadian Pharmacy, a hair health expert;
  • Heredity. Sometimes the problem of hair loss can be caused by a genetic factor. Usually, this process develops gradually and evenly;
  • Improper hair care. Frequent dyeing, perm, neglect or inappropriate care products contribute to hair loss. However, experts agree that improper care only aggravates the problem, and is not an independent cause of hair loss.
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Treatment of hair loss in women

Before starting a comprehensive treatment of the problem of hair loss, it is necessary to identify its cause. A trichologist can help with this and conduct the necessary research:

  • Trichogramma is a diagnostic method in which the scalp and hair roots are examined with a video camera;
  • Phototrichogram – another method of examining the scalp, carried out by photography;
  • Spectral analysis of hair examines the composition of trace elements in the body;
  • A complete blood count (CBC) helps determine your hemoglobin level;
  • A biochemical blood test determines the level of iron, magnesium and calcium in a woman’s body;
  • Analysis of the level of thyroid hormones.

Under the influence of external factors, you can stop hair loss by switching to proper nutrition. In cases where the cause of baldness lurks deeper, it is necessary to provide proper treatment recommended by a specialist. Medication for hair loss treatment includes:

  • Medicines for oral administration. There are two types of preparations: vitamin complexes and iron-containing preparations. Vitamin complexes make up for the lack of vitamins and trace elements in the body. Iron-containing preparations make up for the lack of iron in the blood;
  • Medicines for external use. Most anti-baldness products contain the chemical minoxidil, which stimulates hair growth, increasing the duration of the active phase of hair growth and stimulating blood circulation. The chemical component was discovered in the early 90s of the last century by American scientists and was originally used to treat high blood pressure. In patients taking this remedy, an unusual side effect of the substance began to be observed – increased hair growth. Subsequently, scientists began to purposefully develop on its basis remedies for baldness;
  • Laser therapy is used more often for hair loss in women than in men. It stimulates hair follicles and increases blood flow to the scalp. The duration of the procedure is from 3 to 6 months. Laser therapy can be performed in a clinic or at home by purchasing a laser comb;
  • Hair transplant is a hair transplant method where the hair is taken from the back or side of the head and transplanted to the required areas. There are two types of hair transplant: follicular and patchwork. The follicular method is the most effective and is a hair transplant one at a time with a special device on the balding areas of the head. No more than 1000 rods are transplanted in one session. This method leaves no scars. The patchwork method involves hair transplantation from the back of the head or temples. Up to 6000 hair follicles can be transplanted in one 3-4 hour procedure. It is the extraction of a skin flap and transplantation to the desired site using a scalpel. After the procedure, the patient remains scarred. At the moment, this technique is rare.
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Prevention of hair loss in women

Any problem is easier to prevent than to cure. This also applies to hair loss:

  • Avoid overly tight hairstyles, African braids and dreadlocks;
  • Avoid frequent hair coloring and perms;
  • When using styling tools, remember to use thermal protection;
  • Regular scalp massage will ensure blood flow to the roots and improve blood circulation to the scalp. For greater effectiveness, it can be combined with natural anti-hair loss remedies;
  • Avoid using iron and plastic combs in favor of a wooden comb;
  • Do not comb or ponytail your hair immediately after washing, as it can be easily damaged when wet;
  • Use moisturizing masks that will nourish the roots;
  • Choose your shampoo and hair conditioner carefully. They should contain vitamins B and C;
  • Do not use hot water to wash your scalp, as it dries out the scalp;
  • Take vitamins and eat a balanced diet. For beautiful and shiny hair, you need iron, zinc, protein and protein, vitamins of groups A, B and C;
  • Use special products against hair loss;
  • With the onset of cold weather, do not neglect hats, because 80% of the heat goes through the head.
Beauty Care hair care products, hair health, Hair Loss