Letter to Creditors and Shareholders December 17, 2014

Letter to Creditors and Shareholders December 17, 2014

Innovative Elasticity Imaging Technology

Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death in men. The current standard of care is to screen for the presence of prostate cancer beginning at age 50, normally as part of the patient’s annual physical exam.  Two tests are routinely performed: the digital rectal exam (“DRE”) and the Prostate Specific Antigen (“PSA”) blood test. Although used for many years, the specificity of the PSA and DRE tests has beenwidely questioned and neither of these tests creates a physical or visual record of the abnormality or its position in the prostate. A positive DRE or an elevated PSA will likely lead to a prostate biopsy to obtain tissue samples for microscopic analysis.  Of the approximately 1 million prostate biopsy procedures done each year in the United States only approximately 25 percent actually detect the presence of cancer.

Our ProUroScanTM prostate imaging system was designed to produce an elasticity image of the prostate as an adjunctive aid in visualizing and documenting abnormalities in the prostate that have been detected by digital rectal examination.  The system’s breakthrough technologyprovides cost-effective, high-quality images in real-time.

We believe there is a real clinical and market need to be able to visualize and create an electronic image that can show the presence of abnormal tissue in the prostate gland. The ProUroScan prostate imaging system offers a unique solution that meets these needs and one that, subject to future FDA clearances, will eventually enable physicians to monitor and compare images of the prostate over time.

See also  The ProUroScan™ Prostate Imaging System