How to Erect Longer Time and What is Premature Ejaculation?

Oh No_ Premature EjaculationPremature ejaculation is uncontrolled ejaculation either before or after sexual penetration. It occurs with minimal sexual stimulation and regardless of a man’s desire to finish or prolong sexual intercourse. This can lead to an unsatisfactory state for both partners.

Premature ejaculation can increase anxiety, which adds emotional experiences to the sexual problem. The inability to control ejaculation is one of the most common types of male sexual dysfunction. This condition is experienced by every man at some point in his sexual life.

What causes premature ejaculation?

Most cases of premature ejaculation have no clear cause. With sexual experience and age, men often learn to delay orgasm for a long time. Premature ejaculation can occur with a new partner. It can occur only in certain sexual situations or after a long time of abstinence.

Psychological factors, such as anxiety, guilt or depression, can also cause premature ejaculation, or erectile dysfunction. In some cases, this may be due to a medical cause, such as hormonal problems, trauma or the side effect of certain medications.

What are the symptoms of premature ejaculation?

The main symptom is uncontrolled ejaculation either before or soon after the onset of sexual intercourse. Ejaculation occurs before a person wants to finish a sexual act, with minimal sexual stimulation.

Premature ejaculation diagnosis

If premature ejaculation has become a constant problem, you’d better contact a doctor. The doctor will review your medical and sexual history and will conduct a thorough examination. Premature ejaculation can have many causes. Therefore, your doctor can prescribe laboratory tests and tests to exclude any other physiological problem.

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How to control ejaculation and how to stop premature ejaculation?

In many cases, premature ejaculation occurs from time to time with regular sexual relations. Treatment may not be necessary. The practice of relaxation techniques or distraction techniques can help you delay ejaculation. Me should also quit or limit the use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs, and try drugs for premature ejaculation from Canadian HealthCare Mall, such as Viagra Super Force with Dapoxetine.

Your doctor may recommend that you and your partner apply certain methods to help delay ejaculation. For example, you can learn to control the sensations that lead to rapid ejaculation. Or you can learn to slow or stop stimulation. You can try using a condom to reduce the sensitivity of the penis. You can also try another position (for example, lying on your back) during intercourse. Behavioral therapy can help reduce anxiety associated with premature ejaculation.

Antidepressants are sometimes used to prolong ejaculation. They are used because one of their side effects is a depressed orgasm that helps to delay ejaculation.

There are also creams, gels and sprays that can be used to treat premature ejaculation. These drugs are used before sex and applied on the penis. These include lidocaine and lidocaine-prilocaine. But some of these drugs can also affect a man’s sexual partner, reducing the sensations. Canadian Health&Care Mall is a place where you can buy online medicine for premature ejaculation on the most beneficial conditions.

Factors that affect a man’s ability to erect longer time

Premature ejaculation occurs when a person achieves orgasm and ejaculates too quickly and without control. In other words, ejaculation occurs before a person wants it to happen. It can occur before or after the onset of foreplay or intercourse. Because of this, some men experience discomfort and psychological stress.

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Every fifth man experiences uncontrolled or premature ejaculation at some point in his life. If premature ejaculation interferes with the sexual pleasure of the man or his partner, it becomes a medical problem.

Factors that cause premature ejaculation are numerous. Psychological problems such as stress, depression and other factors that affect mental and emotional health can exacerbate this condition. Nevertheless, there is growing evidence that biological factors can make some men more prone to premature ejaculation.

Rarely, premature ejaculation can be caused by a particular physical problem, such as inflammation of the prostate or the problem of the spinal cord.

The main symptoms of premature ejaculation include:

  • Reduced sexual pleasure due to poor control of ejaculation;
  • Feeling of guilt, embarrassment or disappointment.


Premature ejaculation is diagnosed on the basis of typical symptoms. To understand the problem, the doctor will need to discuss your sexual history. Be frank and open. The more your doctor knows, the faster he can help you. If your sexual history does not reveal significant mental or emotional factors that cause premature ejaculation, your doctor will need to examine you and take the necessary tests. The doctor can examine your prostate or perform neurological tests to determine if there is a physical problem that can cause premature ejaculation.

Expected duration

Sometimes premature ejaculation continues for several weeks or months. You may try to improve the situation by relieving stress or other psychological problems. Other men require professional help. Some men respond quickly to treatment, while others are struggling with this problem for a long period. Pills for premature ejaculation from Canadian Health and Care Mall are effective in 99% of cases.

How to prevent premature ejaculation?

There is no 100% way to prevent premature ejaculation. However, you should consider the following advice. Keep a healthy attitude towards sex. If you feel anxious, guilty, or disappointed in your sex life, think about going through psychotherapy or sexual therapy.

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Keep in mind that anyone can experience sexual problems. If you experience premature ejaculation, try not to blame yourself and not feel defective. Try to talk about your feelings with your partner in order to avoid misunderstanding.

Treatment for premature ejaculation

BEST ED DrugsBehavioral therapy for premature ejaculation is one of the possible approaches to the treatment. The most commonly used option is a “compression technique“. If a person feels that he a premature orgasm is coming, he interrupts sexual relations. Then the man or his partner squeezes his penis between the thumb and middle fingers. The man or his partner uses a slight pressure just below the glans penis for about 20 seconds, releases, and they can continue sexual intercourse. The technique can be repeated as often as necessary. When this technique is successful, a person learns to delay ejaculation by squeezing and, ultimately, gaining control over ejaculation without squeezing. Behavioral therapy helps men in 60% – 90% of cases.

Another possible treatment is a medicine for premature ejaculation. You can use drugs called phosphodiesterase inhibitors, such as Sildenafil (Viagra), Vardenafil (Levitra) and Tadalafil (Cialis) from Canadian Health and Care Mall. The phosphodiesterase inhibitor can be used in combination with an SSRI.

Some men with premature ejaculation may try to reduce stimulation during sex. There are a number of creams that can partially anesthetize the penis and reduce the stimulation that leads to orgasm. Another option is to use a condom. However, these methods can interfere with the pleasure experienced during sex.


Many men experience occasional premature ejaculation, but then the problem disappears. Even men with serious disorders have very high chances for a normal sex life.

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